How Much CCNA, CCNP, CCIE Certification Costs

How Much CCNA, CCNP, CCIE Certification Costs

How Much CCNA, CCNP, CCIE Certification Costs

The field of IT is growing from the time of its beginning. With each passing year, the newest developments take along some of the newest tools and trends. And you are required to make your skills and capabilities updated, mainly if you are an IT expert. However, if you’re a hopeful Cisco applicant or Network expert and interested to attain the certifications of Cisco CCNA, CCNP, or CCIE in the upcoming time, it seems to be a noteworthy update for you.

Cisco takes along upgrades to its certificates often, but it entirely depends upon cutting-edge network strategies, as well as the trends of the market. Thus, at this time, here in this blog - you would know more regarding the examination cost of CCNS, CCNP, and CCIE.

What is CCNA Certification?

The CCNA stands for Cisco - Certified - Network - Associate; it’s a renowned certificate within the field. The CCNA certification and training is for the learners who are a little bit familiar with networking. It would make use of their abilities in a lot of circumstances and also increase the marketability in almost every platform. The applicants would learn troubleshooting, installation, along with ways to maintain Cisco network devices.

The applicants in the C-C-N-A learning program are assessed in the whole networking. The ones who possess years of relevant experience in the domain of helpdesk as well as networking engineering would choose innovative-level certificate programs

CCNA Security Boot Camp: Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS) (CS-CCNA-Sec)

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CCNA Security - Cisco Certified Network Associate Security certifies partner-level abilities and information needed to secure the network of Cisco. With the certification of CCNA Security, a system proficient shows the abilities required to build up a security framework, perceive dangers and vulnerabilities to systems, and lesson security risks.

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CCNA Certification Exam Costs – $325 to $600

Cisco provides ten initial-level or C-C-N-A examinations. Every C-C-N-A certificate needs to pass a minimum of 2-examinations that differ in cost. CCNA Cloud, Service Provider, Data Center, Cyber Ops, and Collaboration of them cost nearly 600 US dollars. These examinations own 2-innovative techniques of exams and also there is not any requirement as well. Every examination cost is about 300 US dollars each attempt. CCNA Security, Industrial, CCDA, and Wireless every certificate cost around 465 US dollars.

On the other side, many C-C-N-A certificates own 2-special examinations. Such kinds of 4-certificates only need a single innovative technique of examination along with C-C-E-N-T (165 US dollars) as a requirement. CCNA Switching and Routing is a flagship Cisco examination, as well as a potential precondition for C-C-N-A Security, Industrial, C-C-D-A, and Wireless. The cost of the C-C-N-A R&S examination is either 325 or 330 US dollars.

However, C-C-N-A R&S is consists of 2-examinations; the 200-105 I-C-N-D2 and 100-105 I-C-N-D1. Since every C-C-N-A R&S examination cost is about $165, the whole sum is 330 US dollars. There is another 200-125 CCNA as well, that gathers the content in a single composite examination which price is $325.

What is CCNP?

The full form of C-C-N-P is Cisco - Certified - Network - Professional certificate. It’s an intermediary-level certificate - which assists those who are working with LAN and WAN substructure. In this learning program, an applicant would learn the ways to execute, make a plan, and troubleshooting LANs and WANs. The CCNP certification comprises a lot of courses within the domain of IT networking - just like Multilayer switching, Cisco innovative routing, scalable internetworks, etc. This certificate includes different fields - just like Service Provider, Switching, Routing Collaboration, Wireless, Data Center, Security, Cloud, and others.

CCNP Certification Exam Costs – $900 to $1,200

Cisco provides 8-expert-level examinations. Every CCNP certificate needs to pass a minimum of 3-examinations; however, many of the CCNPs need 4-exams. It is also significant to pay attention that every CCNP examination own a requirement of CCNA. Let suppose, you should initially clear the C-C-N-A R&S to become qualified to get enrolled in the C-C-N-P R&S. Any C-C-I-E certificate would also be acting out as a precondition.

C-C-N-P Switching and Routing and C-C-D-P cost 900 US dollars each. These 2-certificates are consisting of 3-exams, and each of them costs nearly $300 at every attempt. CCNP Cloud, Wireless, Service Provider, Security, Data Center, and Collaboration cost around 1,200 US dollars. Moreover, such kinds of certificates need 4-exams that cost is about $300 at each attempt.

What is CCIE?

An abbreviation of CCIE is Cisco - Certified - Internetwork - Expert; it’s a technical certificate provided by Cisco Systems. The CCIE as well as Cisco - Certified - Design - Expert (CCDE) certificate aimed to help the business. They also distinguish the top level of internetworking professionals universally and examine professional-level substructure networking design abilities across the world. These kinds of certificates are typically accepted all over the globe - as the topmost significant networking credentials within the field. The community of CCIE established a repute of leading the network field in detailed technical network info.

Furthermore, CCIE certification training also deployed in the topmost technically stimulating networking projects. The professional-level certificate course constantly revises and updating its testing equipment as well as practices to guarantee and maintain the quality of a program and its significance. With the help of demanding written examination and a performance-oriented lab examination, these professional-level certificate courses make a standard for the expertise of internetworking.

CCIE Certification Exam Costs – $2,050

Cisco provides 7-professional-level certificates. In contrast to different Cisco examinations, the C-C-I-E needs a written as well as practical examination. The cost of the C-C-I-E written examination is 450 US dollars at every attempt. The C-C-I-E lab examination price is around $1,600 each attempt. Every certificate of C-C-I-E costs is around $2,050.

The entire exams possess study content - which is not factored in the examination cost; however, few of them needed traveling cost. The lab examination is only reachable at 8 test centers across the world that refers to further expenses of food, traveling, and lodging.


It doesn’t matter either it is the course outline of Cisco examination codes, newest certificates, or the costs of examination, Cisco keeps informed itself as a way to remain its applicants updated. Each attendee of the Cisco exam possesses queries - such as how would it is going to be charged to attain a C-C-I-E. Or else how much would it charged me to obtain a CCNP/CCNA. In case - you have these kinds of queries in your mind, then always think of what that entire Cisco certificate examination possesses and their exclusive examination code. On the other side, they have almost the same requirement as well as the cost of the examination.

CCNA Security

  • CCNP: ENARSI - Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (Exam 300-410)

    Intermediate On Demand
  • CCNA Security Boot Camp: Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS) (CS-CCNA-Sec)

    Intermediate Virtual Classroom

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