Fast-Track Your IT Career: Introducing QuickStart’s New 12-Week IT Technician Bootcamp


Fast-Track Your IT Career: Introducing QuickStart’s New 12-Week IT Technician Bootcamp

One fascinating aspect of the IT field is the diverse range of career paths it offers. Many IT professionals have embarked on their journeys in the tech world by starting as IT support or help desk technicians. This entry point not only serves as an invaluable foundation for IT careers but also acts as a gateway for individuals to explore and specialize in various IT disciplines.

IT support roles often serve as a stepping stone to more specialized careers within the IT field. As new IT professionals are exposed to different IT disciplines and technologies, they have the opportunity to discover their niche and explore areas of interest. This is where IT technicians and support roles come into play. 

The QuickStart IT Technician Bootcamp stands out in shaping the next generation of IT professionals — a 12-week program that teaches the IT skills today’s employers are looking for. The program includes two full weeks of exam preparation, where students can ask questions, receive valuable feedback, and participate in practice tests with subject matter experts to prepare for a pending exam.

Our IT technician bootcamp is a comprehensive, intensive program designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in IT support roles. The bootcamp is structured to cover a wide range of IT disciplines and technologies in just 12 weeks, making it an ideal choice for those looking to kickstart their career in the IT field.

We’ll provide the skills you need for a meaningful career in IT, whether you’re interested in a position as a network administrator, help desk specialist, or cybersecurity specialist. Let’s explore the benefits of an accelerated IT technician bootcamp — and how you step into an IT space that’s growing at a rapid pace (BLS).

Benefits of Foundational IT Training

In the world of information technology, proper training is not just beneficial — it's essential. The IT field encompasses a vast array of technologies, systems, and practices, and staying up-to-date with the latest advancements is critical for both individual professionals and the organizations they serve.

Here are a few of the advantages of certification for an entry-level IT role:

  • Skill validation - Certifications provide tangible proof of your knowledge and skills in specific IT areas, reassuring employers of your competence.
  • Enhanced employability - Certified candidates often have a higher chance of being hired, as certifications demonstrate a commitment to professional development.
  • Career advancement - Certification opens doors to more opportunities and potential for career growth within the IT industry.
  • Salary improvement - Many employers offer higher salaries or bonuses to certified IT professionals due to their specialized expertise.
  • Industry recognition - Certifications are recognized and respected within the IT industry, increasing your credibility among peers and employers.
  • Exclusive resources - Certification programs often grant access to exclusive forums, study materials, and networking opportunities.

Completing an IT certification also provides an enormous amount of personal satisfaction. It should serve as a source of pride that your newfound skills, and hands-on experience, make you a valuable resource in the IT field at large.

Our 12-week IT Technician Bootcamp plays a pivotal role in bridging the skills gap within the IT industry. In today's fast-paced technological landscape, the demand for skilled IT professionals continues to surge; but there's often a shortage of individuals with the necessary expertise.

One of the standout features of the IT Technician Bootcamp is its ability to provide a viable path into the IT industry without the need for a college degree. This is a game-changer for individuals who may not have pursued higher education but are passionate about a career in IT. The bootcamp is skill-centric, meaning it focuses on imparting practical skills and knowledge directly applicable to IT support roles. Employers often prioritize skills and certifications over formal degrees, making it possible for bootcamp graduates to land IT roles based on their merits.

Overview of the IT Technician Bootcamp

The 12-week IT Technician Bootcamp offered by QuickStart is an intensive program designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in IT support roles. Let's take a detailed look at the structure, duration, and key modules covered in this bootcamp.

Individual Courses

Weeks 1-2: Computer Fundamentals

The initial course in this series will provide an introduction to essential safety precautions and instruct students in performing troubleshooting procedures on computer devices. Students will also acquire knowledge on configuring a basic workstation, conducting basic hardware and software installations to establish network connectivity, and effectively identifying and resolving compatibility issues.

Weeks 3-6: Hardware and Operating System

In this course, students will acquire the expertise to provide support for operating systems. They will learn the processes of installing, configuring, and troubleshooting storage devices. Additionally, the course will encompass the skills needed to install and configure components within a PC system unit and peripheral devices. Students will also be instructed on the installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of display or multimedia devices, as well as the configuration and resolution of network connection issues.

Weeks 7-8: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Acquire the knowledge and skills to suggest innovative solutions for addressing IT challenges within organizations. Throughout the program, you will explore essential elements of understanding how Microsoft 365 solutions boost productivity, facilitate smooth collaboration, improve communication, safeguard crucial data, and maintain compliance standards.

Weeks 9-10: Capstone Project

The final capstone project offers students valuable hands-on experience in configuring email accounts, setting up Microsoft Teams channels, and effectively sharing documents using SharePoint. Moreover, students will gain essential skills in Windows Client installations and troubleshooting, further deepening their comprehension of the critical responsibilities of an IT support technician.

Weeks 11-12: Exam Preparation

This period is designed for students to allocate dedicated time for CompTIA A+ certification exam preparation. Students will have access to a set of practice exams and an official study guide to provide additional assistance in their preparations.

Bonus Topic: Windows Client

The additional subject will help students understand the steps in installing either Windows 10 or 11.

Visit the IT technician bootcamp page to download the complete syllabus.

Here are a few of the main features you’ll find in the QuickStart IT technician bootcamp:

  • Hands-On Projects: Engage in real-world scenarios through hands-on labs, assessments, and quizzes. Simulate challenges commonly faced by IT professionals to develop practical problem-solving skills.
  • Practical Skill Development: Gain expertise in setting up workstations for optimal performance. Learn how to troubleshoot hardware and software issues effectively.
  • Exam Preparation: Dedicate two full weeks exclusively to exam preparation, and try practice exams as many times as you want. Receive an official CompTIA study guide for comprehensive exam readiness.
  • Career Services: QuickStart offers career support services like resume creation and optimization, along with interview preparation, to help get you ready for your next professional opportunity in IT.

Our approach places a strong emphasis on being inclusive and accessible to individuals from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds. We aim to create an environment where everyone, regardless of their background, feels welcome and has equal opportunities for success.

We believe that quality IT education should be accessible to everyone. Our IT technician bootcamp starts at $1,499 for a limited time — then $1,999 after initial launch — a worthy investment in the next stage of your evolving IT career. This certification includes direct education, SME feedback, and two full weeks of exam preparation — plus practice tests — to get you ready for the certification test itself.

IT Technician Learning Paths

As you journey through your IT support role, you'll have the opportunity to discover your unique niche within the vast realm of information technology. Our program is not just a starting point; it's a stepping stone that can lead you to exciting and diverse IT careers.

Imagine finding your passion in networking, where you become a network administrator responsible for managing and optimizing digital connections. Or perhaps you're drawn to the world of data, becoming a database administrator, where you oversee the organization and security of critical information. If cybersecurity piques your interest, you can specialize as an IT security specialist, safeguarding systems and data from digital threats.

Our commitment to your success goes beyond the knowledge you’ll receive. When you complete our bootcamp, you won't just have the information; you'll possess the confidence and practical skills required to excel in entry-level IT roles.  

The beauty of the IT field is its expansive landscape, and our program equips you with the foundational skills and knowledge to explore and excel in these and other IT disciplines. So, as you embark on your journey in IT support, keep in mind that the path doesn't end there – it's a gateway to a world of possibilities where you can find your niche and build a fulfilling career.

Industry-Relevant Curriculum

Our curriculum is meticulously designed to align with industry standards and stay abreast of the latest trends in the ever-evolving IT landscape. Here's how our program ensures that you're well-prepared for the dynamic world of information technology:

  • Current Technologies: We focus on the most current and relevant technologies used in the IT industry. Our curriculum is regularly updated to incorporate emerging technologies, ensuring that you are well-versed in the tools and systems currently in demand by employers.
  • Industry Best Practices: We emphasize industry best practices, teaching you the most efficient and effective ways to tackle IT challenges. You'll learn not just how to perform tasks but how to do them in a way that aligns with the standards upheld by IT professionals worldwide.
  • Cybersecurity Emphasis: Given the growing importance of cybersecurity, our curriculum places a significant emphasis on this critical area. You'll learn about the latest cybersecurity threats, best practices, and measures to protect data and systems—a skillset in high demand in today's IT workforce.
  • Networking and Connectivity: As networking forms the backbone of IT operations, our curriculum delves deep into networking concepts and connectivity solutions. You'll acquire essential knowledge and skills in this crucial area.
  • Adaptive Learning: We understand that the IT field evolves rapidly, and trends can change quickly. Therefore, our curriculum is adaptive, allowing us to incorporate new content swiftly as industry standards and trends shift.
  • Real-World Relevance: Every topic covered in the curriculum is chosen for its real-world relevance. You'll learn practical skills and knowledge that directly apply to IT support roles, making you job-ready upon completion.

From the fundamentals of computer operation to the intricacies of hardware and software installation, you'll build a robust skill set that empowers you to excel in various IT roles. Troubleshooting network connections will become second nature to you, allowing you to diagnose and resolve issues swiftly and effectively.

Our program also equips you with a foundational understanding of Microsoft 365, a suite of cloud-based applications and services that are widely used in the modern workplace. By acquiring expertise in Microsoft 365, you enhance your capability to work with cloud-based technologies.

As part of our commitment to your success, we provide you with an exam voucher for CompTIA A+, a globally recognized certification. CompTIA A+ is an industry-standard certification that validates your proficiency in various IT domains, including mobile devices, networking, security, hardware, and more.

And finally, the certification you earn through our program is a testament to your dedication and competence in the field. It's a powerful credential that immediately distinguishes you as a qualified IT professional and sets you apart from other candidates by elevating your resume and capturing the attention of prospective employers in the IT industry.

Flexible Learning Schedule and Personalized Support

We understand that life can be busy, and balancing your education with other commitments is essential. That's why our program is designed to fit seamlessly into your life. With a schedule that includes two classes per week, each lasting two hours, you can pursue your IT career goals without disrupting your daily routine. Whether you're working a full-time job, juggling family responsibilities, or managing other commitments, our flexible schedule allows you to accommodate learning on your terms.

Each learner is unique, with individual strengths and areas where they may need extra support. That's why we offer one-on-one coaching sessions during the program. These sessions are a valuable opportunity for you to receive personalized guidance and support as you progress through the material. 

Our experienced instructors are dedicated to helping you succeed, and these coaching sessions enable them to tailor their assistance to your specific needs. Whether you have questions, need clarification on certain topics, or want additional help with challenging concepts, one-on-one coaching ensures that you receive the attention and guidance necessary for your success.

With our 24/7 AI chatbot assistant, you have a reliable and instant source of assistance available at any time. Whether you have questions about the course material, need clarification, or encounter challenges, the chatbot is there to provide immediate support. This resource ensures that you can seek help and resolve issues conveniently, enhancing your learning experience.

How To Enroll

If you’re ready to embark on a fulfilling career in the dynamic world of IT, QuickStart is ready to help. The journey to becoming a skilled IT professional begins with the decision to join our bootcamp. By enrolling, you're investing in your future and equipping you with the practical skills, industry certifications, and job readiness you need to thrive in the IT industry. The program features a full 14 days of test prep, complete with SME feedback, practice exams, and live learning sessions.

Enrolling in the QuickStart IT technician bootcamp is simple. Click the green button on the page or populate your personal information to quickly request more information.

If you have questions, we have answers. Call (855) 800-8240 to see if this program is right for you. Whether you're looking for an IT career in cloud engineering, cybersecurity, networking, software, or a related field, our IT technician bootcamp is an amazing first step. We are committed to making your educational experience as accessible and effective as possible, ensuring that you have the resources and support you need to excel in your IT career pursuits.

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