Introduction to Hadoop Administration (TTCHADADM3)

The course motivation might be redone effectively in request to address regions of certain interest to the group.


The course motivation might be redone effectively in request to address regions of certain interest to the group.

More Information:

  • Learning Style: Virtual
  • Technology: Java
  • Difficulty: Beginner
  • Course Duration: 3 Days
  • Course Info: Download PDF
  • Certificate: See Sample

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Course Information

About this course:

Apache Hadoop is a course of an open-source system utilized for creating reliable and distributing compute clusters. Hadoop is credited with the Watson Jeopardy of IBM victory of 2011 and can be utilized nearby other related systems, to process significant unstructured or semi-structured informational indexes from a few sources to the classify, gain from, analyze, and set forward proposals for choice support, business investigation, and other propelled types of machine intelligence.

The introductory-level, hands-on lab-driven course is focused on the administrators who are new to Hadoop and has been made answerable for the maintenance of Hadoop clusters and related parts. Hadoop is intended for tremendous versatility, and it is very tolerant of issues when contrasted with other cluster structures. As administrators, students should install, design and maintain Hadoop on Linux, among different computing situations.

The course motivation might be redone effectively in request to address regions of certain interest to the group. There are lab varieties that help Cloudera and Hortonworks distributions too.

The normal compensation of a Hadoop Administrator is $122,005 every year.

Course objective:

  • Install, design and maintain Apache Hadoop structure
  • Discover Spark, YARN, and MapReduce
  • Investigate Mahout, MLib, and different systems
  • Tune and upgrade the presentation of Hadoop
  • Hadoop engineering
  • Install Hadoop
  • Test Hadoop programs
  • Install Hadoop for HBase and the cloud


Administrators who are maintaining the cluster of Hadoop and related parts in Linux conditions


No prerequisites for the course.

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