Practice Exam - 200-125 CCNA

This exam is designed for professionals and Engineers of the Network who comprehends the fundamentals of Network and have information about Foundational technologies.


This exam is designed for professionals and Engineers of the Network who comprehends the fundamentals of Network and have information about Foundational technologies.

More Information:

  • Learning Style: On Demand
  • Provider: Cisco
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Course Duration: 30 Min
  • Course Info: Download PDF
  • Certificate: See Sample

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Course Information

About this Exam:

This exam is intended for Network Engineers and professionals who understands Network fundamentals and have knowledge of Foundational technologies.


  • Network administrators
  • Network support engineers
  • Network engineer associate
  • Network specialist
  • Network analyst
  • Cisco channel partners
  • Individual pursing the CCNA Routing and Switching certification


It is recommended that the student must possess A+, Network+ or a MCP certification. It is developed primarily to be undertaken by aspiring or existing network professionals such as System Engineers, System Administrators, Network Administrator, and PC technicians..


This exam qualifies as the 1 required exam to earn CCNA Routing and Switching Certification.


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