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QuickStart’s Learn Subscription is a monthly subscription ideal for lifelong learners in the IT community. It gives you access to hundreds of self-paced courses so you can learn on the go and keep your skills in line with the latest developments in the tech sector. It is affordable, has high quality content, and contains an ever-growing course catalog.
$39.00/Month $89.00/Month
Please Note: Billing starts after your 30-day free trial ends. Learn Subscription does not include Virtual Classroom courses, Hands-On Virtual Labs, and has limited access to career/learning paths and Mentoring.
Attend regularly scheduled, certified Virtual Classroom courses via a QS Live broadcast from anywhere in the world.
Online Self-Paced Courses
Lifetime, unlimited access to all 790+ self-paced courses – accessible from any device.
College Accredited Courses
QuickStart courses are accredited by several top schools and universities, including Texas A&M and University of Phoenix.
Full Learning Dashboard & Analytics
Access all your enrolled, completed, course statistics, and community discussions from one centralized and intuitive learning dashboard with built in analytics, course tracking, time spent, and more.
QuickStart Discussions
Engage with other learners where you can directly chat, ask questions, and socialize with other learners experts and instructors on a course subject.
Virtual Labs
Videos and lectures only go so far. Get real world, hands-on practice with virtual labs (not available for all courses).
Live Instructor Mentoring & Support
Get live help from subject matter experts to answer questions on course material or get guidance on a project.
Career Paths
Start a learning pathway towards understanding and mastering your career. With QuickStart career paths, you can fully understanding and being the best in your field.
Accelerated BootCamps
Accelerated instructor-led boot camps to get you ready for CISCO, Microsoft, and CompTIA certification in almost half the time.
CCNP Extreme Discounts
With Master+ Subscription, you have the ability to bundle 14-Day Official CCNP Certifications with the CCNA Bootcamps at a discounted price.
AI Cognitive Learning Platform - CLIPP
Introducing CLIPP, or Cognitive Learning & IT Project Performance, a powerful platform that gives teams, businesses, and organizations the power to customize and personalize their learning solutions.