James Maningo

James Maningo
James Maningo
Data Scientist at QuickStart

James is a stochastic tinkerer with over 8 years of experience in digital analytics. His passion lies in providing meaningful impact through data, utlizing growth hacking techniques for business and "quantified self" for personal life. His weapon of choice are linux, python, tmux+vim and good old common sense.

June 06, 2024

Data Scientist vs. Data Analyst: What is the Difference?

Is a data scientist just a glorified analyst with a data science certification, or is there a bigger difference between the two? While data analysts focus on interpreting existing data sets, data scientists spend more time developing algorithms to predict future trends.

March 01, 2023

7 Careers in Big Data and Data Science

Companies create an ocean of data every year. The true value of that data lies in how to we see, collect and preserve it. The data revolution happening around us is helping industries from business to government, health care to academia. Businesses have realized the criticality of "data" and woken up to the fact that long-term sustainability is not possible without effectively analyzing the huge amounts of data at their disposal.

How to Start a Career in Big Data Analytics
January 31, 2023

How to Start a Career in Big Data Analytics

How do I start a career in big data analytics?

NetApp Clustered ONTAP CLI Cheat Sheet
February 11, 2021

NetApp Clustered ONTAP CLI Cheat Sheet

NetApp is popular for its cloud data storage and data management systems. As a Fortune 500 company since 2012, it has remained an important leader in cloud computing and storage devices. In 2020, NetApp was the leader in cost optimization and compute management in public clouds. ONTAP helps you manage clusters through commands, such as the ones found below. Common storage tasks like qtrees and volumes are discussed as well.

December 22, 2020

How to Change Directory Permissions in Linux

LINUX is a clone of UNIX; a multi-user operating system where multiple users can use at the same time. When you run a ls command, no file protection information is provided to you since, by default, ‘ls’ just list file names. By using “option” with the “ls” command, you can get more details. All the options start with a ‘-‘.

Become a Successful Linux Developer in 6 Steps
November 15, 2020

Become a Successful Linux Developer in 6 Steps

Linux is one of the most renowned open-source platforms that is the heart of other platforms like Android, OpenWrt, Ubuntu, and many more. It has been a significant foundation, since the ’90s, for building software and developing mobile apps. Linux is truly a masterpiece that has a lot of potentials. If used right, it can create wonders for businesses in this era. But the question remains, why isn’t everyone starting a career in Linux? The answer is simple; it’s because it’s too difficult.

Why Linux is the best option for programmers?
September 21, 2020

Why Linux is the best option for programmers?

Linus has been around as long as Windows has been but even then the number of users for Windows is staggeringly more than there are Linux users. But then again Windows is a stretched up operating system that is being used by a number of people for business and personal use, enterprises use it, schools and universities use it, and even so it is also being used in the Industrial sector. But as long as Linux is concerned it has got a special case usage that means it only has a special audience such as coders and programmers and people that are associated with penetration testing or cloud computing use Linux terminal more intensively than they are to use any other operating system.

A Complete Netapp Certification Guide
August 31, 2020

A Complete Netapp Certification Guide

NetApp is a hybrid cloud service provider organization set up by Michael Malcolm, David Hitz, and James Lau in 1992. Based in the safest city of California, Sunnyvale, the company began with basic data storage solutions and proceeded onward to hybrid cloud solutions.

A Complete Open Source Certification Guide
July 20, 2020

A Guide to the top 5 Open Source Certifications

With the use of open-source software, the field of IT keeps on developing for organizations, a deficiency of qualified IT professionals and other staff members who have experience and are trained and certified in open-source technologies stays a genuine challenge for IT offices and departments.

A Beginner's Guide to Kali Linux Getting Started
July 17, 2020

A Beginner's Guide to Kali Linux Getting Started

Kali Linux rose to much prominence when the concept of hacking piqued the interest of the young generation. Hacking was perceived as the cool activity in our mainstream society and this can be ascribed fundamentally to the TV show Mr. Robot.

Jobs you can Get with Netapp Certification
June 23, 2020

Jobs you can Get with Netapp Certification

Must have heard about cloud storage services, right? Every organization, small or big have to store their data somewhere safe. Plus, the volume of data is so big that they cannot stock it on physical equipment like hard drives and on-premises databases. There is another reason that storing your organization's data in a cloud service means you do not have to worry about the security of the data, and you can access it anytime from anywhere. It is a convenient plus better-looking option than building an on-premises database and managing it all by yourself.

NetApp: Predictions and Projections for the Future
June 23, 2020

NetApp: Predictions and Projections for the Future

Enterprise storage has come a long way since the days of the basic mainframe and individual hard drives. Centralized storage, and in the last decade or so, cloud storage, has become the norm, with a landslide of enterprises and organizations looking to save on either space of data security spending. And, perhaps the most versatile tool to implement said strategy was, and still is NetApp.

Not a new player in the market, NetApp celebrated 25 years of providing storage solutions last year. Having made data management a multi-faceted operation, with a vast number of data types eligible for storage, it seems as though the data management giant has been the undisputed king of the software-defined storage realm.

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