
NetApp Clustered ONTAP CLI Cheat Sheet
February 11, 2021

NetApp Clustered ONTAP CLI Cheat Sheet

NetApp is popular for its cloud data storage and data management systems. As a Fortune 500 company since 2012, it has remained an important leader in cloud computing and storage devices. In 2020, NetApp was the leader in cost optimization and compute management in public clouds. ONTAP helps you manage clusters through commands, such as the ones found below. Common storage tasks like qtrees and volumes are discussed as well.

A Complete Netapp Certification Guide
August 31, 2020

A Complete Netapp Certification Guide

NetApp is a hybrid cloud service provider organization set up by Michael Malcolm, David Hitz, and James Lau in 1992. Based in the safest city of California, Sunnyvale, the company began with basic data storage solutions and proceeded onward to hybrid cloud solutions.

Jobs you can Get with Netapp Certification
June 23, 2020

Jobs you can Get with Netapp Certification

Must have heard about cloud storage services, right? Every organization, small or big have to store their data somewhere safe. Plus, the volume of data is so big that they cannot stock it on physical equipment like hard drives and on-premises databases. There is another reason that storing your organization's data in a cloud service means you do not have to worry about the security of the data, and you can access it anytime from anywhere. It is a convenient plus better-looking option than building an on-premises database and managing it all by yourself.

NetApp: Predictions and Projections for the Future
June 23, 2020

NetApp: Predictions and Projections for the Future

Enterprise storage has come a long way since the days of the basic mainframe and individual hard drives. Centralized storage, and in the last decade or so, cloud storage, has become the norm, with a landslide of enterprises and organizations looking to save on either space of data security spending. And, perhaps the most versatile tool to implement said strategy was, and still is NetApp.

Not a new player in the market, NetApp celebrated 25 years of providing storage solutions last year. Having made data management a multi-faceted operation, with a vast number of data types eligible for storage, it seems as though the data management giant has been the undisputed king of the software-defined storage realm.

Networking Basics: Overview of System Area Network (SAN)
May 09, 2019

Networking Basics: Overview of System Area Network (SAN)

A System Area Network or SAN is alternatively known as Storage Area Network, and it is one of the most important terminologies in computer networking. In theory, SAN is a separate network that stores and performs backups of shared resources and data. It allows all the users registered on the network full liberty of accessing those files. SANs are widely popular among organizational uses because of their sheer ability to store resources and data with maximum security and end to end encryption.

SANs store resources and data while performing backups through an alternate network of storage devices like disk storage. It is set up in a manner which allows storage devices to be available to servers present on a wide area network and a local area network. In many cases, additional storage is required and the best way to do that is to employ extra hardware and make it accessible from any server present on the network. With a System Area Network, data backups are done safely and are kept separately from the main server. The server acts as a line of transmission that connects the stored data on a SAN with the user present on the other end.

March 31, 2019

Enhance Data Security and Compliance with NetApp Training

NetApp is a global company that offers high-performance solutions to corporations for data security and compliance. Nowadays, data may be stored on an in-house server that you control directly, or on a cloud server that is managed by a third-party vendor. In either case, ensuring the security of your data and compliance with your systems is paramount. Thankfully, NetApp training is commonly available so that your staff can get the necessary training to use these resources to their maximum benefit. This includes providing support for multiple networks, disk drives, block and file protocols, and file management.

March 31, 2019

Most Useful NetApp Certifications and Training for Data Management

NetApp is one of the biggest storage providers in the world that offers stable and secured cloud management solutions to various business organizations. A large number of business organizations around the world prefer NetApp solutions over others to minimize the constant pressure caused by data growth and control the mounting operating costs involved in cloud management. As operating costs of cloud management can get a bit out of hand at times, it only becomes crucial to opt for NetApp storage providers. NetApp, keeping its clients’ needs in mind, offers a variety of intermediate and advanced level courses for aspiring storage engineers, technicians, and IT specialists. These certifications cover the following pivotal areas:

March 31, 2019

Here’s How NetApp Training Will Help Your Enterprise Secure Data Assets in 2019

NetApp is one of the leading providers of data storage and management solutions that can help you leverage the true value of your data assets. Whether you own a physical infrastructure or a cloud infrastructure, or any combination of the two, NetApp offers viable solutions for your organization. While these systems have great utility, the company also offers specialized training in the use of its different systems and tools.

March 31, 2019

Upgrade the Enterprise Platform Fabric to Hybrid Cloud with NetApp Training

Information Technology is perhaps the most volatile field existing in the world today. Every passing day brings something new to the plate. What was considered as an effective IT solution yesterday may already have become obsolete by lunchtime tomorrow. With evolving technologies, the challenges of maintaining business performance and ensuring IT stability is rising too.

The advent of cloud technologies has quite evidently changed how businesses and individuals manage their data. The possibilities associated with public clouds is immense, which is being utilized by masses readily. This brings us back to the topic: upgrading the enterprise platform fabric to hybrid cloud and the benefits to be achieved from it.

March 31, 2019

Training to Secure Databases is Beneficial for Enterprises – Here’s How

Business, and organizations across public and private sectors need more data than ever before to function profitably. There is an increasingly complex need for tracking, managing and protecting this data to ensure continued success, better operations and long-term viability of these organizations. The right information security training can help them preserve this data.

Hackers are always on the lookout for entryways into information safe-holds for their devious plans. Their attacks are designed to steal confidential data and close access to database servers of these organizations. In fact, according to this Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, databases are one of the most compromised corporate assets.

8 Prime Reasons to Attain NetApp Training in 2019
March 28, 2019

8 Prime Reasons to Attain NetApp Training in 2019

NetApp training is said to be the ideal option if as a business organization, one is planning to take the staff a notch higher in terms of skills and expertise in the Information Technology department. NetApp is a storage system that is hardware as well as software based and is an integral system for data retrieval in the same manner. This hybrid cloud-based data service and management system is unmistakably talk of the town and is said to be essential for information systems to indulge in NetApp training in 2019.

February 28, 2019

4 Data Management Challenges of 2019 and How NetApp Training Helps Mitigate Them

With the rapid increase of applicability and accessibility of information technology such as the introduction of cloud services, the inflow, and outflow of data within an organization has increased dramatically. Effective data management, however, is the key factor, which ensures the success of the business, as it is this data which when utilized effectively results in monetary gains for the business and provides an edge over the other competitors. With the changing markets and increased diversity, the amount of data generated on a daily basis is massive, because of which skilled personnel is demanded to make it more accessible, to secure it and to make it relevant for users. This is where NetApp comes in. Established in 1992, this Fortune 500 Company offers hybrid cloud data services for data management across cloud and on-premises environments. Net Apps is perhaps one of the biggest names, which pop in anyone’s mind when data management is mentioned, and this is why all businesses look to implement NetApp services to optimize their business operations as well. Keeping up with the rising demand for NetApp training, QuickStart offers exclusive and extensive online classes conducted by industry experts, which definitely results in any organization effectively dealing with their data management challenges. Now, in this article, we will be discussing few of the data management challenges businesses are experiencing and will continue to experience in 2019, and also how NetApp training can be utilized to efficiently deal with those challenges.

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