Creative & Design

Can Web Design and Development Be Automated?
December 16, 2020

Can Web Design and Development Be Automated?

Artificial intelligence is playing an important role in our lives and we can see it around us in the form of bots. But the question remains: can web design be automated? Read more to discover why design-related jobs heavily rely on creativity, which is something that artificial intelligence lacks.

How To Become A UX Designer
June 22, 2020

How To Become A UX Designer

Maybe you've heard this term several times in your surroundings, or read about this expanding field. Possibly you're as of now acquainted with the advantages of a profession in UX design: satisfying and creative work, adaptability, variety, handsome pay, and the chance to work legitimately with genuine people.

What is Network Design? - Know everything
March 10, 2020

What is Network Design? - Know everything

Network design is the planning phase of implementing computer network infrastructure. It involves analyzing and identifying how effectively all the elements of an IT network can be linked together (from switches, routers, and servers to laptops, scanners and desktop pcs) to optimize operational efficiency. Network designing is usually performed by IT administrators, network designers, and other talent from the relevant field.

9 best programming languages
February 25, 2020

9 best programming languages

For newbies in the field of software development and Information Technology, deciding the best programming languages to learn is usually the hardest decision. They are over 700+ programming languages currently in use; each has its own patterns and complexities that can be easily understood via web developer coding Bootcamp. The good news is that as you begin to understand the concept of programming better, you will determine the most suitable programming language for career goals. It is important to know that one programming language can not be used on all programming projects; that is why various languages are best suited for a particular purpose. We have made an unbiased list of the best and on-demand programming languages that can be used in-game, web, software development, and much more.

How Responsive Design Works With Virtual Reality
October 25, 2019

How Responsive Design Works With Virtual Reality

Ask any developer about the newest thing happening in the world of web design and development, and they will start talking about the use of virtual reality in web design. When it was initially introduced, VR was only thought of as a technology for games and movies but now it is being used in many fields, including web design. Virtual reality in web design will be a bigger deal in the coming years, so let’s take a closer look at it:

Web Typography Best Practices 2018
January 19, 2019

Web Typography Best Practices 2018

Did you know that 95% of all the information available on the web is written language? A lot of thought goes into the graphics, interface, and style of the website, and the same amount of effort is needed in choosing the right typography. Let’s have a look at some of the web typography best practices for 2018.

Everything You Need To Know About the Bootstrap Framework
January 12, 2019

Everything You Need To Know About the Bootstrap Framework

If you are taking courses to become a web developer, you may have heard about the popular framework known as Bootstrap. The latest version, which is the Bootstrap 4 has a number of exciting features and capabilities that make it easier to make new designs. The best part about the framework is that it is built on Flexbox.

MobX Quick Start Guide
November 22, 2018

MobX Quick Start Guide

State Management is an aspect of your application that controls what is ultimately rendered. It's the pumping heart that spreads data across your app and brings various components to life. The state of a Web Application, like the ones built with React.js, rely on the central Store as the single source of truth. Actions originating in the UI are fired on this store to modify the state. This results in a new version of the state, which is notified back to the UI by the Store. This cycle of Actions --> Store --> UI is always uni-directional and makes it easy to understand the data-flow in the application.

Develop Highly Interactive and Responsive Apps with Python Programming Concepts
September 28, 2018

Develop Highly Interactive and Responsive Apps with Python Programming Concepts

Today's generation can't think of a life without a mobile. It has eased our lives to such an extent, that regardless of where we are, we are always hooked to our screens. Various mobile app developers made the most out of this dependence our generation has created and launched applications to add further ease and entertainment in our lives. Apps are becoming more responsive and interactive by the day. In fact, the process of creating dramatic web applications development has become a thing these days. The variety of options are almost limitless, and it takes a lot of time and effort when it comes to making a choice about choosing the right stack or framework for a highly interactive app.

So why should Python be your ultimate choice for app development? The quality, the long list of names associated with the web development program, and the features it has to offer are enough to convince anyone to go with Python programming concepts.

Why Developers Love Server-Side Programming Languages
March 22, 2018

Why Developers Love Server-Side Programming Languages

Web development plays a vital role in the development of the World Wide Web by shaping up the online landscape. Since the dawn of the internet, the world has learned new ways of disseminating information, which has changed the way technology has evolved over the years. The juggernaut that we know today as IT has its roots laid deeply into the fabric of client-server architecture.

Why Are PDF Documents More Popular Than Word Documents?
March 08, 2018

Why Are PDF Documents More Popular Than Word Documents?

Today there will be seldom a time when you will be asked to review a document in a hard copy. With all the big player’s in the IT industry introducing soft formats for global writing needs, letters, papers and typewriter’s seem a thing of the past. Although there are still some old school writers who prefer the loud slap of a type writer key against the paper, most of the world has accepted that being this much of a hipster is costly and slow in productivity.

Are Graphic Designers and Web Designers One and The Same?
March 07, 2018

Are Graphic Designers and Web Designers One and The Same?

Design is an important aspect of advertising, marketing, branding, printing and even packaging. Nothing is more important than good design when it comes to packaging a product, digital or otherwise. However, for anyone who graduated design school a decade or so ago, times have changed drastically. Many different fields have now propped up for expert designers who wish to further specialize in their craft, most notable is the onslaught of opportunities for web designers.

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