Aston M. Smith

Aston M. Smith
Aston M. Smith
IT consulting

Aston “Stan” Smith has over thirty-five years of real-world IT consulting experiences that ranges from start-up companies to large multi-national where he has demonstrated strong leadership and initiative in addressing complex problems. Having worked with a wide range of personalities in various locales, Stan adapts easily to new environments where he can function as a team player as well as provide leadership when necessary. As a lead instructor and consultant, he has developed and delivered many training and consulting solutions in a variety of platforms. Stan has numerous certifications from the leading IT vendors such as Microsoft, CompTIA, IBM, Novell. He enjoys snorkeling, stargazing and farming in his spare time.

Django Cheat Sheet
March 31, 2021

Django Cheat Sheet

Django is a free and open-sourced coding framework. It’s based on Python, which is great since it’s a common coding language. Many popular websites like Instagram, PBS, Disqus, The Washington Times, and others use Django. Thanks to its ease of use, it’s a common web framework used to design websites. It’s also fast to use, secure, scalable, versatile, and added with a ton of extras to help you create whatever you want. Our coding bootcamp goes into even more detail on how to use Django.

Install Django

It’s recommended to install Django in a virtual environment. This is so that your project is separate from your other Python projects. Most of the commands listed below assume you’re working in an active virtual environment. So, let’s begin:

November 19, 2015

How to Use Steps Recorder

The Problem Steps Recorder was introduced in the Vista operating system, and the name was shortened to Steps Recorder in Windows 8. It’s an excellent tool to help you create documentation and also to capture an issue a user may be experiencing.

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